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- 40 poke 53280,1:poke53281,3
- 50 poke 650,255
- 100 gosub 2000
- 200 print"[147]"
- 210 print" rhythmic bits"
- 220 print" by david barron"
- 230 print"(f1) - define sounds"
- 240 print"(f3) - enter rhythmic pattern"
- 250 print"(f5) - change filter"
- 255 print"(f6) - set speed"
- 260 print"(f7) - play pattern"
- 270 print" - enter your selection -"
- 280 get t$:if t$="" then 280
- 290 if t$="[133]" then 1000
- 295 if t$="[134]" then 5500
- 300 if t$="[135]" then 350
- 305 if t$="[139]" then 500
- 310 if t$="[136]" then 6000
- 320 goto 280
- 350 print "[147] filter change"
- 352 print"(f1) - increase"
- 353 print"(f3) - decrease"
- 354 print"(f7) - quit"
- 360 print"low: :high"
- 380 print""
- 385 rem
- 390 print tab(5+fi/10);" [146] [145]"
- 400 get t$:if t$="" then 400
- 410 if t$="[133]" then fi=fi+1:if fi>255 then fi=255
- 420 if t$="[134]" then fi=fi-1:if fi<0 then fi=0
- 425 if t$="[136]" then 440
- 430 goto 385
- 440 poke sid+22,fi
- 450 goto 200
- 500 print "[147] speed change"
- 552 print"(f1) - decrease"
- 553 print"(f3) - increase"
- 554 print"(f7) - quit"
- 560 print"fast: :slow"
- 580 print""
- 585 rem
- 590 print tab(5+sp/10);" [146] [145]"
- 600 get t$:if t$="" then 600
- 610 if t$="[133]" then sp=sp+1:if sp>254 then sp=254
- 620 if t$="[134]" then sp=sp-1:if sp<0 then sp=0
- 625 if t$="[136]" then 640
- 630 goto 585
- 640 poke 49164,sp+1
- 650 goto 200
- 1000 print"[147]":poke 650,255:if v>7 then v=0
- 1020 print""
- 1030 print"frequency:"
- 1040 print "decay :"
- 1050 print"wave type:"
- 1051 print "use (f1) for frequency increase"
- 1052 print "use (f2) for frequency decrease"
- 1053 print "use (f3) for attack increase"
- 1054 print "use (f4) for attack decrease"
- 1055 print "use (f5) to change waveform"
- 1056 print"use (f7) to change sound number"
- 1057 print"use (spacebar) to test sound"
- 1058 print"use (x) to exit"
- 1059 print" sound definition for voice #";v
- 1060 print"";
- 1062 base=12*4096+256+v*4
- 1063 f=peek(base)+peek(base+1)*256
- 1064 d=peek(base+2):gosub 3000
- 1066 if d>15 then d=15
- 1067 if s>2 then s=2
- 1070 for x=1 to (f/65535)*28
- 1080 print " ";:next x:print"[146] ";
- 1090 print"":print"";
- 1100 for x=1 to d*1.7
- 1110 print " ";:next x:print"[146] ";
- 1120 print"":print"";
- 1130 if s=0 then print"triangle":s1=16
- 1140 if s=1 then print"sawtooth":s1=32
- 1150 if s=2 then print"noise ":s1=128
- 1160 get i$:if i$="" then 1160
- 1170 if i$="[133]"then f=f+(200^(1.25+f/650000)):if f>65535 then f=65535
- 1180 if i$="[137]"then f=f-(200^(1.25+f/650000)):if f<0 then f=0
- 1190 if i$="[134]"then d=d+1:if d>15then d=d-1
- 1200 if i$="[138]"then d=d-1:if d<0 then d=d+1
- 1210 if i$="[135]" then gosub 2200
- 1220 if i$="[136]"then v=v+1:if v>7 then v=0
- 1225 if i$="[136]"then goto 1000
- 1230 if i$=" " then poke sid+4,s1:pokesid+4,s1+1
- 1235 if i$="x" then 200
- 1240 poke sid,f-int(f/256)*256
- 1250 poke sid+1,int(f/256)
- 1260 poke sid+6,d+240
- 1270 poke sid+4,s1
- 1280 poke base,f-int(f/256)*256
- 1290 poke base+1,int(f/256)
- 1300 poke base+2,d:poke base+3,s1
- 1500 goto 1059
- 2000 rem initialize sid chip
- 2005 sid=54272:fi=128:sp=128
- 2010 for x=0 to 28
- 2020 poke sid+x,0:next x
- 2030 poke sid+21,7:poke sid+23,7:poke sid+22,fi
- 2040 poke sid+24,31
- 2050 return
- 2200 s=s+1:if s>2 then s=0
- 2205 if s=0 then s1=16
- 2210 if s=1 then s1=32
- 2220 if s=2 then s1=128
- 2230 return
- 3000 s1=peek(base+3)
- 3010 if s1=16 then s=0:return
- 3020 if s1=32 then s=1:return
- 3030 if s1=128 then s=2:return
- 3040 s1=16:s=0
- 3050 return
- 5000 data 1,2,1,4,1,2,1,4,1,2,1,4,1,2,1,4,1
- 5010 for x=49152+512 to 49152+512+16
- 5020 read a:poke x,a:next
- 5500 print "[147] pattern entry"
- 5510 print" 11111111112222222222333"
- 5520 print"[145] 12345678901234567890123456789012"
- 5525 print"[145][145]"
- 5530 for x=0 to 7
- 5550 print "voice";x;"[157]:"
- 5560 next x
- 5570 print "[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][145]"
- 5580 gosub 5850
- 5585 print"cursor keys move cursor"
- 5586 print"use (f7) to exit"
- 5587 print"spacebar toggles marker"
- 5588 print"use (f3) to clear pattern"
- 5600 v=0:x=0
- 5610 loc=40*7+v*40+8+x
- 5620 poke 1024+loc,peek(1024+loc)or128:poke55296+loc,14
- 5630 get a$:if a$="" then 5630
- 5640 if a$=" " then if peek(1024+loc)=86+128then poke 1024+loc,160:goto 5650
- 5645 if a$=" " then if peek(1024+loc)=160then poke 1024+loc,86+128
- 5650 if a$="" then x=x+1
- 5660 if a$="[157]" then x=x-1
- 5670 if a$="" then v=v+1
- 5675 if a$="[134]" then for x=49152+512 to 49152+512+32:poke x,0:next x:goto 5500
- 5680 if a$="[145]" then v=v-1
- 5685 if a$="[136]" then goto 5750
- 5690 poke 1024+loc,peek(1024+loc)and127
- 5700 if x<0 then x=0
- 5710 if x>31 then x=31
- 5720 if v<0 then v=0
- 5730 if v>7 then v=7
- 5740 goto 5610
- 5750 print"working.";
- 5752 for x=0 to 30
- 5755 s=0
- 5757 print".";
- 5760 for v=0 to 7
- 5770 loc=40*7+v*40+8+x
- 5780 if (peek(1024+loc)and127)=86 then s=s+2^v
- 5790 next v
- 5800 poke 49152+512+x,s
- 5810 next x
- 5815 gosub 8000
- 5820 goto 200
- 5850 for x=0 to 31
- 5860 for v=0 to 7
- 5862 if peek(49152+512+x)=0 then 5895
- 5865 if (peek(49152+512+x)and(2^v))=0 then 5890
- 5870 loc=40*7+v*40+8+x
- 5880 poke 1024+loc,86:poke 55296+loc,14
- 5890 next v
- 5895 next x:return
- 6000 sys 49312:if peek(197)=64 then 6000
- 6010 goto 200
- 8000 s=0:for v=0 to 7
- 8010 if (peek(40*7+v*40+39+1024)and127)=86 then s=s+2^v
- 8020 next v:poke 49152+512+31,s:return
- 9999 goto 9999